Kamis, 31 Juli 2008



Life Goals

I want to fill my life to fulfill these following goals :

Ø Vision :

To become a potential leader of the Republic of Indonesia

Ø Mission :

To manifest and realize my inner potential to serve to others

Ø Values :

JOSS (Jujur, Optimis, Semangat, Simpatik)

Honest, Optimistic, Motivated, and Sympathetic


  1. Public Speaker

I am well experienced in participating as a public speaker in various events. I have served as a speaker, as a motivator, and as a Master of Ceremony (MC) during seminars, campus forums, educational institutions (elementary-highschool level), as well as non-formal events.

  1. Managerial Competencies

I am experienced as a project coordinator with more than 200 people. I am also able to organize event local and national.

Leadership Experience

  1. 2004:Head of 2004 Generation Student FEUI with 800 members

2. 2005:Founder and advisor of Paguyuban Daerah ASUI (ArekSuroboyo Universitas Indonesia)

Project Officer Maker (Malam Kekerabatan) FEUI

  1. 2006:Presiden BEM ETOS Jakarta (Scholarship from Dompet

Dhuafa Republika)

Project Officer Etos National Gathering (involving 11 National Universities : UI, IPB, ITB, UNDIP, UNPAD, UNAIR, UNBRAW, UNHAS, UNAND, UGM, and ITS)

  1. 2007:Head of Social Political Division of the Student Senate

Faculty of Economics Universitas Indonesia

National Coordinator CABE (Corps Alumni Beastudi Etos) in 11 National Universities

Candidate for the President of BEM (“House of Representatives” for Students) in University of Indonesia

  1. 2008:PSR Coach (Peduli Sosial Remaja) SMA DWIWARNA


1. Speaker as the President of BEM Etos Dompet Dhuafa Republika with Sandrina Malakiano in Jentera, JakTV, televised in February 2006.

  1. Speaker in "Filantropi Kampus" with the Dean of the Universitas Indonesia, Prof. DR. Gumilar Rusliwa Somantri in Public Corner on Metro TV, televised in November 2007.

  1. Discussed about in the Profile Column of the daily newspaper, REPUBLIKA. The column was titled Arek Keputran Mengukir Mimpi”, published December 2007.

  1. Speaker on the Discussion Panel with Tony B. Trihartanto, Ph.D and also with a lecturer from STEKPI. The topic discussed was The Failure of Capitalism and Syariah Economy as an Alternative and Solutive Economy”, Jakarta, April 2008

  1. Moderator in Seminar Kepemimpinan (Leadership Seminar) with Rhenald Kasali dan Ari Suta in Leadership Training FEUI, March 2008

  1. Moderator of seminar with Krisnamurti “National Mindset Motivator Indonesia” in the event Success from Center for Career and Internship Counseling) FEUI, April 2008

  1. Speaker on Leadership Training Program Indonesia Banking School (IBS), Kemang, South Jakarta. The content training is “How To Be A Good Public Speaker”, March 2008

Organizational Experience

  1. 2004:Generation Forum 2004 in FEUI

Theater Risalah Smala

Paskibra “PAS-Q V”

Theater of Culture FEUI

  1. 2005:House of Representatives for Students ETOS Jakarta

Departement Strategic Evaluation SENAT FEUI

Social-Political Division BEM UI

Local Organiozation ASUI (Arek Suriboyo UI)

  1. 2006:Human Resources Bureau Senat FEUI

  1. 2007:Human Resources Bureau FOSMA ESQ 165

Social-Political Division Student Senat FEUI

Corps Alumni Beastudi Etos (CABE)

  1. 2008:Peduli Sosial Remaja (PSR) SMA DWIWARNA

IKASMANCA (Ikatan Alumni SMA 5 Surabaya) Jakarta

Amil Zakat Organization, AZIS SALAM UI

Training Organization, I Leader (I-LEAD)

Work Experience

  1. 2002-2004: Professional Master of Ceremony in Surabaya
  2. 2003 : Scout Counselor in SDN Kaliasin VII Surabaya

Scout Counselor in SMP 3 Surabaya

  1. 2004-2007: Private Teacher for all levels of education,

from elementary to college level

  1. 2006 : Tutor Mentoring Pendidikan Senat Mahasiswa FEUI

Agent Personal Seller Agenda UI (highest sales),

campus newsletter BOE (Badan Otonom Ekonomika)

  1. 2007-2008: Teacher at Salemba Vision Institution

Teacher for the Super Intensive Program, Ki Dalang Education

JOSS Motivator

Formal and Non-Formal Education

A. Formal
  1. Department of Economics, University of Indonesia in Depok, 2004-now
  2. SMA Negeri 5 Surabaya, 2001-2004 (highschool)
  3. SMP Negeri 3 Surabaya, 1998-2001 (junior highschool)
  4. SDN Kaliasin VII-286 Surabaya, 1992-1998 (elementary school)
  5. TK Anna Surabaya, 1990-1992 (kindergarten)
B. Non Formal
  1. KIEI (Kuliah Informal Ekonomi Islam) "Syariah Investment Management", FEUI, 2006
  2. KIEI (Kuliah Informal Ekonomi Islam) "Syariah Banking and the History of Islamic Thinking", FEUI, 2007

Personal Details

Full Name : Akhmad Basori

University/Major : FEUI / Economics

Semester/GPA : 8 (eight) / 3,21 (from a scale of 1 to 4)

Sex : Male

Place, Date of Birth : Surabaya, May 25, 1986

Nationality : Indonesia

Marital Status : Single

Height, Weight : 168 cm, 55 kg

Health : Perfect

Religion : Moslem

Dorm Address : Griya Arista No. 24

Juragan Sinda 2 RT 04 RW 01 ,Kukusan,Beji

Depok 16425

Home Address : Jl. Kedondong Kidul 1/32 B

RT 06 RW 06 Kel. Tegalsari Kec. Tegalsari

Surabaya 60262
Mobile phone : 0856 1578 136 / 021 9448 1782

Email : basoriasyik@gmail.com

Idol : Ir. Soekarno (first president of the RI)

Hobbies : poetry, theater, reading, volunteering

Ambitions : trainer, Mayor of Surabaya, President RI

Motto : Vivere Pericoloso (Favor Chances the Bold)

1 komentar:

Iftirar mengatakan...

25 Mei?

kok ga bilang2?

wah..keren eu CVnya

sy masi ingat sm the best partcipant in LKTM, hehe...